
Never Say Never Again (1983)

“I’m getting too old for this shit”, thinks Connery while getting kicked again. This was the final Bond movie with Connery as Bond, although this movie was considered not to be part of the official Bond canon since it was not made by the same company. That being said, it was still considered to be…

In the Heat of the Night (1968)

Sometimes simple living isn’t all it’s cracked up to be in other movies such as River Rat and Witness. This is a thriller movie with Sidney Poitier as a detective. He is waiting for a train at the depot when he is arrested for suspicion of murder. They quickly find out that he was innocent…

House of Dracula (1945)

Lon Chaney Jr. right around the time he started to slip into alcoholism, a condition that would lead to the decline of his career. This was the last in the wolfman movie series. Both the wolfman and Dracula go to a scientist for help with their conditions because they both supposedly want to get better.…

Lemon Drop Kid (1953)

Lemon Drop Kid is a holiday movie with Bob Hope. Hope is working at a race track as a guy who gives bad horse racing tips to betters. Some how this is supposed to earn him a living, but I am not quite sure how since I don’t really know horse tracks that well. I…

House of Frankenstein (1944)

This is the third movie in the Wolfman series but it also has appearances from both Frankenstein’s monster and Dracula who is played by John Carradine. I think Carradine might be my favorite actor in this movie, but Chaney turns in his usual strong performance and everybody else is good/recognizable, too. My favorite part of…

Frankenstein Meets Wolfman (1943)

Bela Lugosi takes on the role that he said he would not do just a decade before this movie. How times had changed for the actor… This was a sequel to two different monster series, Wolfman and Frankenstein. It mostly focuses on the wolfman, though, because any movie with the monster almost always just had…

Wolfman (1941)

Bela Lugosi has a very minor role in this movie as the original werewolf, but under all of that gypsy attire it is somewhat difficult to even recognize him. Wolfman is a movie starring Lon Chaney about a guy who is bitten by a wolf and then turns into the wolf he killed and attacks…

River Rat (1984)

Tommy Lee Jones has his first movie with this blog about a guy who stole some money but is let out of prison by the psychologist played by Brian Dennehy, who was also in Foul Play with Goldie Hawn, and along the way he forms a relationship with his estranged daughter. The acting in this…

Commando (1985)

Schwarzenegger is going to cut you. This movie stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as an action hero who used to work for the military but is now retired. Unfortunately, for his family, which consists of his daughter alone, since his wife passed away, Arnold needs to go back into action again because some random sleaze ball wants…

Witness (1985)

Don’t make Ford go full Amish on your ass… Harrison Ford has his first movie with this blog about a guy who protects a kid that has seen a murder committed by a couple of people who belong to the police force. He goes to the village where the kid belongs as an Amish person…


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